Friday, September 24, 2010

Illustrator Conference

Pingquik is in the Tri-C Campus East Art show. By now quite a bit of students have seen my Pingquik Peace T-shirt & illustrations.
Today my son & his friend were wearing their Pingquik t-shirts. One had the Ripper skateboarding Pingquik dude & the other had the Master Pingquik (like a Jedi). So I gave my son's new friend a t-shirt. He picked the baseball Pingquik. He was extremely happy to have one. Hey, who knows, maybe this age group would like them.
We shall see...

Oh, I will be attending the Pittsburgh Society of Illustrators Conference. It looks good.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Entered the NOIS About Face art exhibit.

So at the last minute, not realizing that Monday was August 30th, the deadline to enter art for NOIS' Sept. exhibit, I frantically illustrated my Pingquik going to the school and hanging out at the beach. I wanted to paint a portrait of myself with a big straw hat, but this summer was too hectic. Meaning, I had no down time to paint. You need uninterrupted time to be able to paint.
Vamos a la playa
Lost in school
Anyhow, here are the 2 digital illustrations. The main artwork was the 7 human emotions portrayed by