Friday, October 28, 2011

Tweet cards in stores now-----more later on in holiday shows.

Tweet & Flora cards are now available at 
the Heights Floral Shoppe on Fairmount Blvd. in Cleveland Heights; 
at Lake Erie Artists store in Shaker Square; and 
at Wild Birds Unlimited on Mayfield Road in Mayfield Heights.

This was one of my first funny Tweet Christmas cards. I will be offering this one as a single card. One Tweet got into Santa's Bag, another one is trying to get him out while the big Tweet just rolls his eyes.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Claymation class at Cleveland Institute of Art

This was a fun class that taught us how to make clay figures with stop motion and morphing them into other creatures. The other students were Floy Juszli (Lobster), James Wiles Swan creature, I did the parrot (Pingquik) and Mary Elizabeth Norman (light bulb). Our teacher was Adri Wichert.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New iMac ...

My yahoo account & Facebook were hacked by a Nigerian (organization) sending  a scam that I needed Euros because I was mugged in Spain. I am not really using that yahoo email & Facebook is now giving me trouble that I am logging into an insecure website. PINTA.
Now I have a Mac ProBook so I can be more mobile & be able to show my work to places. I have to transfer files into the new one. So many things to do.
Going to show my cards for a Holiday Bazaar soon. Hopefully I can sell them there.
Back to doing stuff.